martes, 7 de junio de 2011


I don't like neither to think it but I cannot discard it when day after day the scientists, bacteriologists, and German doctors don't find the origin of so serious infection which should already be lining the epidemic category, it is very strange that in a country like to the one that we refer a bacteria it can be escaped just like that but I still find stranger than they cannot locate the origin. 

This type of bacterias usually proceeds of since he inhabits the bowels of the animals and they are evacuated with the excrements to fecal focuses, (you dilute black), dirty hands, useful of work and manipulations faulty etc. can transport it to the foods that human beings can ingest, and this way to be infected but in theory the normal thing is that he stays there is in this infected and it eliminates it for their grounds and will stop to the black waters, that at the present time the sewer system services would eliminate them of the human contact. 

If the infection continues he means that there is a focus infectivo that he goes producing bacterias and already after so many days it doesn't seem logical to think of raw eatable elements, I suppose that in Germany the first thing that you/they will have made will be to control the drinkable water used to drink and to wash you and to wash foods etc.  

That happened in Germany, is strange from the beginning, the hurry in denouncing the one that am false origin, harming an entire community and country like the Spanish farmers so disastrously, the later repetition of another possible origin that this time being attacked themselves, speaking as possible cause another element of cultivation vegetable, this time of the own Germany, more I find an act of trying to distribute the mierda so that it is not one alone the community to recoup for damages and damages that a scientific test of certain consistency. 

The certain thing is that they already go for the 2000 infected and 20 deads, and the infection doesn't cease, at least it is not announced the end of revenues and affectations thing that it is of showing off serious announced to bell touch by a proud country as nobody of its neatness and its high scientific technology that it is being in evidence after so many days I believe that more than one month and half ago that they are dancing with the bacteria in question. 

I believe that they will already have thought it of Germany, but just in case I would give slips of attack terrorist to the investigation of this fact so lamentable. For two reasons, one for if it is it, and other because I could be that somebody is so afraid of the mess in that has entered that this hiding like be, the source, the origin of the infection, for fear simply to the consequences, and this seen alone from the scientific side, they won't find it, and I believe sincerely that if was a "natural" thing they would already know of where he/she has come, for that reason I think that it would be good, if they have not already made it that the police intervenes and investigate next to the scientific specialists him how, where, and because.   

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