jueves, 26 de marzo de 2015


The rebellious chiíes calls to the jihad against the Saudi coalition led by Saudi Arabia it bombards to the hutíes in Yemen. The group chií rebellious Yemeni of the hutíes, also well-known as Goose Allah, called this Thursday to the town Yemeni to the jihad (sacred war) against the Arab coalition that participates in the bombings against Saná and other areas of the country. We "call to the children of the great town Yemeni to lift the weapons, to send strong combatants to the barracks and to respond to the call for the sacred" jihad, he said the group in an official statement that was read in a manifestation celebrated today in Saná. 

What so many times have heard or read this time seems that it can put on serious it is evident that to the Arab world it is necessary him a definitive revolution, don't unite how many small and led by the first illuminated that he appears and it declaims some precepts of the Koran and he interprets them to its way, it is evident that the different interpretations of its same religion are its main problem, that makes that they don't finish finding an identity neither of religion, neither national. 

Today the facts are throwing in the but in the wide region of the Arabic peninsula and they are almost conforming to a war he would say that multinational in that for the first time several countries important Arab put on to fight together against the group chií rebellious Yemeni of the hutíes, also well-known as Goose Allah in the Yemen. A coalition of Arab countries headed by Saudi Arabia began last night an air offensive against bases and positions of the rebellious hutíes, to brake its advance toward the southern city of Adén, the president's Yemeni headquarters Abdo Rabu Mansur Hadi. 

Is the question that this faces to the two branches of the Islam again the Sunnites and the Shiite ones what he differs there is among Sunnites and Shiite? The Islam, the religion of the Muslims been founded by Mohammed in the century VII, has two main branches: the Sunnites or orthodox - sunna, tradition -, Mohammed's first caliphs' successors followers, and the Shiite ones, Mohammed's son-in-law's followers, in principle this classifies them in two big masses of believing Muslims and always faced by reason of their religious tendency. 

This is happening now again but this time the difference is that the litigant parts are of a nature I would say never seen up to now the military actions they embrace the nations of the Arabic peninsula, including Yemen and Oman and the gulf peach jumps and it involves Iran and Iraq, and also the red sea making participates warlike to Egypt and Sudan. United States has bombarded Tikrit and he has united finally to the Iraqi government's offensive to recover the city, taken by the Islamic State, the New York Times informs.  

The Iraqi air force, together with the air force of the coalition, they have carried out air attacks against the presidential palaces that are the leaders' of the EI barracks and other groups", the brigadier Tahseen Sadiq he said. We will "complete the last chapter of the operations (military) in the county of Saladino, according to the prepared plan to clean it (of the yihadistas) ", the first Iraqi minister, Haidar underlined the Abadi in a speech to the nation. 

The first minister announcement takes place hours after United States began the air offensive to help the Government from Iraq to recover the city of Tikrit, capital of Saladino. As it indicated yesterday the enclosed spokesman of the Pentagon, the colonel Steve Warren, "the Government from Iraq has required the support of the coalition in Tikrit and the operations are in progress. The forces Chiíes, those of the Iraqi Army and of the tribes sunníes they have not been able to take the control of the city in spite of the advances of last week in front of the EI. The taking of Tikrit, located in the heart of the Iraq Sunni, is key to advance toward Mosul, the second city of the country and from last June in hands of the Yihadista. 

Naturally while the fight in Iraq doesn't bother him, the Government from Iran has demanded this Thursday the immediate end of the military operations in Yemen led by the Army of Saudi Arabia, at the time that he has announced that he will carry out all the efforts to control the crisis. Airplanes of combat of Saudi Arabia and of other countries Arab allies they have bombarded this Thursday to the militias rebellious huthi, of confession chií and supported by Teheran, to expel from the power to the president, Abdo Rabu Mansur Hadi, leaning from West. The television chain To the Arabiya, of Saudi capital, he has informed that he gets ready a terrestrial offensive with troops of other Arab countries. 

The Saudi bombings take place soon after that this and other Arab countries as the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and to Taste, they decided to respond to the president's Yemeni petition of acting militarily to brake the advance of the rebellious hutíes. These warlike movements are always the same ones the two Islamic branches fighting among them but I believe that this time the extension and the number of involved countries can open the way to a true war of the Arab world that I believe that they need more than eating. 

The civilizations, Muslim and Arabic that are the same thing in the basic bottom should find a point in common and this won't be able to him to get if what the western civilization lived with the help of wars off some against other don't live unfortunately, until leaving the religious beliefs for individual and not collective or political use as they maintain these Islamic cultures I regret it but until they don't achieve this they will always be more or less with small wars of fractions nuns believers but that they are unable to unite a civilization once and for all in a very defined Islamic world for all.  

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