martes, 3 de marzo de 2015


Russia faces a somber economic panorama. The debacle of the local foreign currency together with one shot inflation rate has made a bitter combination for the citizens. The problem is that these citizens don't have any possibility to exercise its right of denouncing its government's bad administration in short of Vladimir Putin that maintains its power to coast of not caring him its town and making them believe that the wrongs that suffer are not nothing else that by reason of the wicked ones western. They have already read it to me several times that this situation in Russia that already comes from beyond the Second World War. But meantime the Russian are passing it bad and more than they passed it if it follows the absurd politics and blackmailer of Vladimir Putin. 

It is evident that the fall of the price of the petroleum and the gas of course is the explosive of the current situation but this is not able to Putin to use it as only reason to cause to occident and to impoverish the Russian and Russia, because although it is certain that these last months the petroleum has fallen its value in 50%, it is also it that many years ago the petroleum was a true river of black gold. The question that they should be asked and for sure the Russian are made it is: where is the whole sea of foreign currencies that should be formed when that river of petroleum was made of black gold? That river has dried off the only thing that has happened it is that it is made no longer of gold but of a product that he/she has stopped to be exclusive and that therefore he has fallen its price this didn't see it Putin or the surest thing is that I ignore it.   

The question is that to the Russian it is changing them overnight so much so the life that an article of Quartz aims that the Russian will have to dedicate this year 50%, of their revenues only to the purchase of food. The prices of the foods in Russia have been shot in the last months soon after an inflation that is about 15%. According to the official data, the inflation that only refers to the foods comes closer to 30%, a percentage that goes away to enlarged steps of 6% had registered for one year. To the sink it the sanctions to the import imposed by the European Union after their conflict with Ukraine that has motivated a shortage of the basic products.  

The analysts hope the revenues of the Russian homes increase around 7% this year, an insufficient percentage to counteract the inflation rhythm that is expected that it overcomes 20% in the first semester of 2015, to this the Russian citizen’s face. The situation of this, until recently emergent economic power, contrasts with that of other poorer countries as Kenya, in which its citizens dedicate less than 50% of their revenues. Regions like China, in which the revenues per capita are much smaller, they don't spend neither 30%, in feeding and let us don't say in comparison with the advanced economies, the distance is much bigger. In United Kingdom, the Englishmen spent 11%, while in the homes of USA it was only of 6, 4% in 2014.   

The galloping inflation that watches Russia remembers to the financial crisis of 1998. For that time, the prices of the foods were shot in almost 100%. The ago 17 year-old inflation decontrolled caused the march of the Russian ex-president, Boris Yeltsin, and Russia had to request help to the international community. But in these moments the position of Putin is clearly the contrary one this time he has opted for not requesting help but to make sound the threats of armed war and of the cut of fluid of petroleum you loved counteractive thing for Russia because if there are not revenues for the petroleum like it will maintain a war, for this reason to maintain its blackmail he makes local guerrillas as in Ukraine the bad thing is that this also costs many rubles and a lot of incomprehension in Russia.   

Once maintained or detainee the threat in Ukraine comes out to the scene the threat of the Gas. This way last month of December, the gigantic company of the gas of Russia, Gazprom, and a Turkish company signed an understanding memorandum to build a pipeline from Russia to Turkey under the Black sea. That new one 'Turkish Stream' it would substitute to the call 'South Stream' of Russia to Bulgaria for the Black sea, I plan that the Kremlin abandoned last month of December, as reaction to the sanctions imposed by the European Union after the invasion of Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea. 

Putin is giving samples of an almost suicidal indifference for the Russian economy, apparently not for another reason that the one of consolidating the enmity with Europe that needs it to justify and to stay in the power in Russia in a completely dictatorial way. But the problem is that Russia needs money and the new connection forces him to invest 12.000 million dollars, besides those already invested in the Ukraine war and of the fall of its revenues. In fact, the European market of the Russian gas is already disappearing, the sales to Europe collapsed last year in the third trimester of and they decreased in 25% in the four trimester.  

The collapse of the demand in fact takes place in a moment in which Russia needs foreign currencies urgently, because the sanctions exclude it of the credit markets. Their more important companies confront enormous necessities of refinance of the debt, their reservations of foreign currencies are draining, their economy goes on the way to a deep recession and the ruble suffers new and serious depreciations. When reorienting their exports, Russia demands, in fact, to Europe that spends thousands of millions of Eurus in a new infrastructure to substitute a pipeline that is under perfect conditions. The initial reaction of Europe was the one of considering that or it was a bluster of Putin or this had lost the trial.  

That decision doesn't make sense economically", the Vice-president of the European Commission said in charge of the energy union. We are "good clients. We are paying a lot of money. We pay on time and we make it in foreign currencies, for what I believe that we should be been about conformity with it". The erratic and economically irresponsible politicians are squandering the last remains of what was the position monopolist of Gazprom in the European market of the gas in times. It is clear that, if Europe must spend thousands of millions in gas pipeline, it would be better than he made it to diversify its sources of natural gas, instead of increasing its dependence of Russia. 
After all, the memories last a lot of time, mainly those of glacial winters with the private houses of heating and the closed factories. When they asked to one of the main planners of the new project why it was willing to defend a series of proposals so ridiculous, he gave an unforgettable answer: I "prefer to accept not very realistic plans that other realists that would take me to the jail". We can imagine that the officials of Gazprom think the same thing. This situation is not able to eternizes the UE they should look for a strategy to make Russia in a different way think. Russia cannot be allowed more pain and economic suffering, but that will be what will obtain, the serene heads they are prevailed.  

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