miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011


Go other day more full with news that for the overwhelmed citizen that waits solutions to their unemployment, to their improvement of life, to their purchasing power, they don't tell him anything there is not answer to anything, everything is single news. 

Above, it seems also that the blame of all we have it the citizens that we are a little innocent, and we don't know how to administer the banks, and the government of the nation well, if if they don't laugh, the Salgado, it has highlighted that the financing system is complex, and it has considered that among all, (?) it should be contributed to that the citizens understand" "it. poor Clearing Salgado, if it is that we don't help, we wear out the money without control, we get in debt without calculating him evolution of Euribor neither the Libor, to the banks we don't lend them anything, we don't invest enough, and above we protest for that lower us the salaries.   

The supervisor of the City notices of the risk of a "effect Lehman" for the problems in the periphery of Europe. That of the periphery goes for us, we are no longer now pigs we are outlying, he/she makes me grace that a Briton calls us outlying and the it is not included, but outlying that his dear island doesn't believe that there is nobody in Europe. Poor supervisor the one that is come the English economy above this that falls and they lack nothing else Scotland to become independent that is already in it, then the City will also be also outlying of Scotland that is where the oil wealth of the Great Britain is.  

The former ex consultant of the group BBVA, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, considers that the restructuring of the Spanish financial system is necessary condition so that the assignment of the credit is more intelligent, and so that the system can accompany the recovery of the economy (deep not, so much that it sounds to hole). In this sense, it has pointed out that the market has the "sensation" that in the Spanish financial system there is "a great hole" and that it will opt to put public "debt to cover it"  I should be the market because already a while ago that you that there is not a hole is a tunnel in the Spanish financial system and what misses me that he/she doesn't taste like these heights that created it the banks. 

The Government's president, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, it has canceled the trip that had at the last moment foreseen to undertake tomorrow to Norway to maintain in Madrid a meeting  on economic" "reformations, they have informed Europe Press sources of Moncloa. Paramo, of the BCE: "the patience of the markets is not infinite". That bad milk Mr. Paramo believes that the meeting is to see if the labor reformation that they are knitting concludes once and for all and unweaving the Spanish unions, so Zapatero don't worry it fixes it tomorrow. 

And the only good pity that doesn't affect us directly goes. Germany to get some supplementary fiscal revenues of 136.000 millions up to 2014. It sends your ovaries Ms. Merkel, because they don't make it President from Europe, with full powers and it finishes with all this.  

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